Friday, June 17, 2016

Obama Uses Memorial For Terrorist Victims In Orlando As Venue to Promote The Disarming of Americans

Read Full Article Here

  As usual President Obama used this solemn occasion as a platform to promote the selling of his
continued attempts to disarm our country.  He continues to exhibit behavior akin to no class and
caring only for his agenda.  In short he has been, since taking office in 2009, pushing his agenda
to "transform America" into a country that is divided.  Divided by his policies,decisions, and 
actions.  Prior to taking office we could depend upon our European allies to side with us to
deal with dangerous groups and events occurring in the Mideast and elsewhere.  Not so now as our credibility has fallen to new lows worldwide.  He will not, to this date, acknowledge the existence
of a worldwide assault on every culture and country that does not follow Islam.  He still
pushes the lack of  gun control as the biggest threat to America.  Studies have shown this idea he pushes is 
a lie but he continues to push this agenda at every opportunity.  combine that concept with the fact he is
a devout believer in the Islamic agenda and what have we got?  A society that is headed to extremely
difficult times.  His administration is an utter and complete joke.  The shooting in Orlando was not a result
of a home grown terrorist.  It was caused by a terrorist, most likely trained and indoctrinated by ISIS.
There will be many more to come.  Sadly, the Liberals, Democrats, Gays and other far left wing groups
will find out too late that the Obama/Transform America crowd is leading them down the path to
a socialist society that will only benefit those in positions of power.

If  you think Hillary will be your savior and bring us to Utopia you are a special breed of stupid.  All she has 
offered is a third term of Obama.  And we all know how that has turned out now don't we?  

Courtesy of The Feral Irishman Blogspot

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Sunday, June 12, 2016

Domestic Terrorist Murders Fifty Innocent American Citizens In Orlando NightClub

Orlando Shooter Omar Marteen

As more information is made available about this terrorist we find that he has been on the FBI's threat screen since 2013.  Just because he was a natural born citizen (his parents arrived in the U.S. from Afghanistan some years back)  does not mean he cannot become radicalized in the ways of Islamic terrorism.  We've seen this before.  A case could be made that all the unvetted Middle Eastern immigrants allegedly leaving their respective countries could become enemies of America.  Much of the blame for these types of attacks lies directly at the feet of the likes of Obama, Hillary
Clinton and others that push the idea that America has a responsibility to provide for these so-called refugees.
I firmly disagree.

A good source of the Islamic Demographics in Western
Europe can be found in the book written by
Mark Steyn "America Alone"

Most of your questions will be answered by Mr. Steyn's Book - The
Demographic information will (or should) scare the hell out of you as the situation in Britain, France, Germany and other
Western Countries in Europe are really feeling the onslaught of the Radical Islamic invasion.
I could go on and on but remember this:  When the politicians begin to sell the concept of removing firearms from the average law-abiding citizen in America as they have been doing for years, you and your family's' ability to protect
yourelves ceases to exist.  It is obvious that the current administration and the one that will follow if Bernie
or Hillary are elected to the Presidency that the risk will increase greatly.  They ignore the fact(s) that when
possession of firearms is outlawed only the lawless will be armed.  You can see this with what has happened
since Australia followed this line of reasoning.  Crime goes up exponentially.  Don't fall for that BS.


Goodbye Mr. Marteen and enjoy your trip as you navigate the river Styx on your the way to hell !                                   
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Hillary's Notorious Baggage!



Courtesy of:
Howie Carr 4 days ago 1,597 Views

The headlines for the last 24 hours have been about a certain milestone having been achieved in America. A woman has been chosen as a major parties presidential nominee. The history making lady is Hillary Clinton. But is nominating Hillary really a milestone for America? Or is it really more of a millstone?
Here’s my list of all the millstones that have been reached in America with the nomination of Hillary Clinton as the 2016 Democrat Presidential nominee.
First time a major political party has nominated the subject of an FBI investigation.
First time a major political party has nominated the wife of an impeached perjurer and an alleged rapist.
First time a major political party has nominated a woman who helped Russia acquire 20% of America’s uranium supply.
It’s the first time a major political party has nominated an amateur cattle futures trader with 100% accuracy after having read the Wall Street Journal.
First time a major political party has nominated a lawyer who defended a child rapist and laughed about it.
First time a major political party has nominated a lawyer who was kicked off the Watergate committee due to ethical lapses
First time a major political party has nominated someone who stole nearly $200,000 worth of furniture from the White House.
First time a major political party has nominated someone whose chief of staff has known ties to the Muslim Brotherhood.
First time a major political party has nominated a survivor of the Siege of Tuzla.
First time a major political party has nominated someone who has worn a $12,000 jacket to give a speech on income inequality.
First time a major political party has nominated someone who helped sell presidential pardons to wealthy campaign contributors.
First time a major political party has nominated the former leader of the Bimbo Eruption Squad.

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Sunday, June 5, 2016

June 5, 1944

Tomorrow June 6th 1944, will be72 years  since the landing of Allied Troops in France
at Normandy. 176,000 Allied troops landed on 5 different beaches to attack the concrete reinforced 
bunkers held by the German forces.  Utah Beach and Omaha Beach (featured in the movie"Saving Private Ryan") were the designated landing zones for American forces.  Of all five beach landings Omaha Beach was thebloodiest and most deadly.


“If any blame . . .”

In early June 1944, southern England swarmed with Allied troops preparing for one of the greatest events of World War II—a massive invasion of northern France. The Allies had spent months getting ready for D-Day. The plan: about 2,700 ships carrying landing craft and 176,000 men would cross the English Channel and assault German fortifications across a 60-mile front in Normandy.General Dwight D. Eisenhower, commander of the invasion, originally chose June 5 as D-Day, but bad weather and rough seas forced a delay. Then Eisenhower received a new weather forecast. The skies would clear and the seas would calm just long enough to launch the invasion the next day. But the window of opportunity would be short.The general gave the order: “O.K., let’s go.” Then he went to his portable desk, scribbled the following note, and slipped it into his wallet to use in case things went badly.

Our landings in the Cherbourg-Havre area have failed to gain a satisfactory foothold and Ihave withdrawn the troops. My decision to attack at this time and place was based on the best information available.The troops, the air and the Navy did all that bravery andevotion to duty could do. If any blame or fault attaches to the attempt it is mine alone. It was a statement Eisenhower never had to use.

His words, however, remind us that democracies need leaders who have the courage to make the tough calls and then take the heat for them, when necessary.

                                                              American History Parade


Into the Jaws of Death 23-0455M edit.jpg   


 Into the Jaws of Death  Omaha Beach                                                                       Eisenhower addresses the
                                                                                                                                          101st Airborne Division
                                                                                                                                          Prior to Parachuting into

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